REVO (Research of Electric Vehicles at Olin) is a student led organization at Olin College of Engineering in Boston, MA.

Disassembling the Zero XU

As much as we loved having a gorgeous looking bike for a few days, we knew the day would come when we had to take it apart. After cleaning up all the drool from our team members, we gathered together one afternoon and got down to business. The entire disassembly went off seamlessly, with the battery pack sliding out in a matter of minutes, and the powertrain, motor and all, being extracted in less than two hours. Along the way we made sure to keep all the parts neatly organized and labeled so that assembly of the racing kart can be just as smooth. 

After getting everything apart, our powertrain team decided to make sure everything was in working order. In no time they had the motor up and running off the batteries, separate from the rest of the bike. Next up, getting it on the racing kart!

Also, check out this cool time-lapse video of the dissasembly!